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What Is Health

Karlawish, C. F. (2019, July 17). Its time to change the definition of health. Retrieved from Stat:


Sartorius, N. (2006). The Meaning of Health and its Promotion. Croatian Medical Journal, 662-664.


World Health Organization

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Determinants of Health

Canada, P. H. (2008). The Chief Public Health Officer’s Report on the State of Public Health in Canada. Ottawa: Addressing Health Inequities.


Health, F. P. (1999). Toward a healthy future: second report of healthy Canadians. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada.


Melissa Aalhus, B. O. (2018 ). The social determinants of health impacts of resource extraction and development in rural and northern communities: A summary of impacts and promising practices for assessment and monitoring. Prince George: British Columbia Observatory Population and Public Health.

Multilevel Approaches To Health

First Nations Health Authority Healing Through Wellness. (2021). Retrieved from


Greenwood, M. (2019). Modeling change and cultural safety: A case study in northern British Columbia health system. Sage, Vol 32 11-14.


Turpel-Lafond, D. M. (2020). In Plain Sight- Addressing Indigenous-specific Racism and Discrimination in BC Health Care.

Chronic Disease Prevention and Management

BC, G. o. (2021). BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services. Retrieved from HealthLinkBC:


BC, P. o. (2021). Provincial Health Services Authority. Retrieved from


Dix, A. (2020). Minister of Health 2020/21 - 2022/23 Service Plan. Victoria.

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Canadian Diabetes Association. (2021, March). Diabetes Canada. Retrieved from Diabetes Canada:


Dendup, T. F.-B. (2018). Environmental Risk Factors for Developing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.


First Nations Health Authority Healing Through Wellness. (2021). Retrieved from


Halseth, R. (2019). THE PREVALENCE OF TYPE 2 DIABETES AMONG FIRST NATIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS FOR PREVENTION. Prince George: National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health (NCCAH).



Vulnerable Populations - Indigenous Mental Health

Baliko, K. (2020, January 27). Researchers to address gaps in mental health services for Indigenous university students. Retrieved from University of Regina:


Bartram M, C. H. (2012). Changing Directions, Changing Lives, The Mental Health Strategy for Canada. Mental Health Commission of Canada. Calgary, Alberta, Canada: National Library of Canada.


Bellamy S, H. C. (2015). Understanding Depression In Aboriginal Communities and Families Emerging Priorities. Prince George: National Collaborating Centre of Aboriginal Health (NCCAH).


Boksa P, J. R. (2015). Mental wellness in Canada's aboriginal communities: Striving toward reconciliation. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 363-365.


Khan, S. (2008). Aboriginal Mental Health: The statistical reality. Visions Journal, 6-7.


Matheson K, B. A. (2020). Intergenerational communication regarding Indian Residential Schools: Implications for cultural identity, perceived discrimination, and depressive symptoms. Transcultural Psychiatry, 302-320.


Nguyen N, S. F. (2020). Healthcare Barriers and Mitigating Strategies to Healthcare Access in Indigenous Communities of Canada: A Narrative Review. Healthcare.

Vulnerable Populations - Single Mothers

Avison, W. R. (1997). Single motherhood and mental health: Implications for primary prevention. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 661-3.


Enza Gucciardi, N. C. (2014). Single-mother Families in Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health / Revue Canadienne de Santé Publique, 70-73.


Ga Eun Kim, H.-Y. C.-J. (2018). Impact of economic problems on depression in single mothers: A comparative study with married women. Plos One.


Janis MacLellan-Peters, M. A. (2009). Don’t Blame Low-Income Mothers, Understanding Low-Income Mothers’ Socio-ecological Circumstances in Relation to Health Status. Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering, 98-110.


Lindholm, D. M. (2016, November 23). 8 Mental Health Challenges Single Moms Face. Retrieved from Talk Space:


Sara Agnafors, M. B. (2019). Mental health in young mothers, single mothers and their children. BMC Psychiatry


Samuels-Dennis, J. (2006). Relationship among Employment Status, Stressful Life Events, and Depression in Single Mothers. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 59-80.



Virtual Care - The Future of Healthcare

Andy Wong, R. B. (2021). Patient Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Use of Virtual Care. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 


Canada Health Infoway. (2021). Virtual Care Resources During COVID-19. Retrieved from Canada Health Infoway: 


Dialogue Technologies Inc. . (2020, November 2020). The majority of Canadians agree virtual care is the future of healthcare. Retrieved from Cision: 


Glauser, W. (2020). Virtual care is here to stay, but major challenges remain. CMAJ, 868-869. 

Health Canada. (2021). Government of Canada Invests $18 Million to Virtual Health Care Services in British Columbia. Retrieved from Cision: 


Government of Canada. (2020, May 3 ). Prime Minister announces virtual care and mental health tools for Canadians. Retrieved from Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau:


Lorian Hardcastle, U. O. (2020). Virtual care: Enhancing access or harming care? Sage Journals, 288-292.


 Mental Health Commission of Canada. (2014). E-Mental Health in Canada: Transforming the Mental Health System Using Technology. Ottawa: Mental Health Commission of Canada.


Province Of British Columbia. (2020, December 8). Virtual Physicians at HealthLink BC. Retrieved from Healthlink BC: 





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